Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer Breakdown and Analysis

Marvel fans have woken from their slumber. It has felt like decades since the first teaser trailer released for Deadpool & Wolverine and now we have an official trailer for the Mutant’s homecoming into the MCU. The Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer is jam packed with easter eggs and awesome details that you may have missed in your first, second, third or even your fifty sixth viewing. But you have come to the right place as I breakdown this trailer

Thumbnail for Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer Breakdown

Marvel fans have woken from their slumber. It has felt like decades since the first teaser trailer released for Deadpool & Wolverine and now we have an official trailer for the Mutant’s homecoming into the MCU. The Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer is jam packed with easter eggs and awesome details that you may have missed in your first, second, third or even your fifty sixth viewing. But you have come to the right place as I breakdown this trailer shot by shot and even add a few of my own personal theories into the mix.

Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer Finally Releases

Image of Deadpool arguing with Wolverine
Image via Marvel Studios

The Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer starts in…a bar! Of course the usual setting for Wolverine, we have seen many moments throughout the Fox X-Men movies where Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine spent time in a bar and the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer shows no exception on that. The exact framing of the shot is very reminiscent to the teaser trailer for Insomniac’s upcoming Wolverine game which is bound to have taken some inspiration from Hugh Jackman’s portrayal of the character.

Now the bartender tells Logan that he is not welcome there nor anywhere which is unusual and begs the question of which Wolverine this is. In the Fox X-Men movies, the X-Men are deemed as heroes, so Wolverine by default would be viewed in the same light. However, there has always been a conflict between Humans and Mutants but as we later see, this grudge against Wolverine is specific to Wolverine. Personally, I do not believe we are watching the same Wolverine from the Fox X-Men movies and we are instead following the story of another variant of Logan with other scenes of the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer also showing evidence of this.

Logan pleads and asks for one more drink before Wade shows up asking him to come with him. Wade actually calls Logan “peanut” in this scene, a reference to the cute pet name that Scott Lang’s Ant Man calls his daughter Cassie. Knowing what is yet to come in the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer, this is a dark joke.

What is interesting here is that Logan responds with “Look Lady, I’m not interested”. Yes this could be simply an attack on Wade’s manhood or maybe a certain Deadpool Variant has already tried taking Logan but failed. Lady Deadpool has been rumoured to appear in this movie and the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer could be hinting at this.

Just another note, the bar that they are in is clearly in Canada which is a country connected to both Wade and Logan in the comics but this bar may have been referenced in the She-Hulk Disney+ Show where it mentions on a news article that a man with metal claws had a bar brawl. It could be that Logan has actually found his way into the main 616 universe and has been drinking his sorrows away. This would explain why Wade has been sent to get Logan as the TVA would not like to risk an incursion.

Wade then tries picking up Logan but he attempts to retract his claws, only to struggle due to being overly intoxicated. Deadpool of course makes a crude joke about this before pulling out his gun to Logan’s head, threatening to shoot him. The gun is engraved with the words ‘Smile. Wait for the flash’ which is just another example of Wade’s sick humour.

But why would Wade pull a gun on Logan when it is obvious it wouldn’t kill him. Even Logan leans closer showing how he doesn’t care if Wade does shoot him or not. The Cinemacon footage did confirm Wade’s new katanas are adamantium, maybe his bullets are as well. However the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer does not state this.

Deadpool vs Wolverine

Image of Deadpool and Wolverine fighting
Image via Marvel Studios

We cut to the Marvel Studios logo, now half red and half yellow, connoting the two protagonists of the film. This film has been described by director Shawn Levy as not a Deadpool 3 but it’s own thing which is reflected with the fact that Logan will be taking centre stage alongside Deadpool.

The Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer then goes onto show us an overhead shot of Wade and Logan facing off in what seems to be the Void from the Loki Disney+ show, however some fans are now guessing that this is not the Void and will be the destroyed universe of the movie’s Wolverine Variant. In this shot we see scaffolding of some kind, random pieces of debris, the CN Tower in Canada and the 20th Century Fox logo which came before all Fox X-Men movies before Disney’s acquisition of Fox.

The next shot the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer shows us is of all of Wade’s friends that we saw at his birthday party, as he says that he is about to lose everything he ever cared about. It was always assumed that Wade’s universe would be in danger, leading him down this Multiversal journey, however the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer solidifies this theory to us.

Wolverine then responds to this dialogue from Wade and tells him that it isn’t his problem. But Deadpool comes back by asking Logan if he said the same when his universe went to…well, ruin. The next shot we see is of Logan kneeling in a field surrounded by a line of stone monuments, almost as though the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer is flashing back to the moment Logan ruined his world. Now many people believe that these monuments are for fallen X-Men which they very well could be. However, they do have a similar appearance to the Sentinel ships seen in X-Men: Days of Future Past, giving an idea of how Logan ruined his world.

My three theories are that Logan failed in his attempt to reset the timeline in Days of Future Past, resulting in the Sentinels killing every Mutant except Logan as he remained unkillable, however this doesn’t seem quite right as the terrain looks very different to that apocalyptic future we have seen. A slight deviation to this theory could be that it has nothing to do with Days of Future Past and Logan outlived his fellow X-Men and failed to save them. Therefore he has survivors guilt and the general public believed he could have done better.

But it could be that in his universe, Logan failed to kill Jean Grey during the events of X-Men: The Last Stand, resulting in the Phoenix killing all the Mutants and so many people too. It all goes back to why the bartender was not happy with Logan at the start of the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer. Either Logan was there making life difficult for him, if he was in a bar in 616, or he is just unwanted and blamed for the deaths of all the X-Men.

The Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer then shows Paradox, now with a bruised nose, pointing at Wolverine on the ground explaining that this version of Logan “let down his entire world”. To me that statement is referring to Logan failing to act rather than actually doing something to ruin the world. Logan is lying on the ground at this point, in his suit, somehow frozen. I believe that this would be after some sort of reveal about the TVA that has led to Paradox being revealed as the bad guy trying to start a Multiversal War and ruining Wade and Logan’s universes in the process.

The next shot that we see is of the fight we have all been waiting for, Deadpool vs Wolverine, but what’s interesting is that when Logan slashes at Wade, the way he avoids the claws is very similar to how Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker dodged the punches thrown by Flash Thompson in the first Spider-Man movie. Now this is clearly just a meta nod but it would be cool if one of the Sony characters appeared in this movie, but I will need to clarify that this is very unlikely.

During this fight in the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer, Wade is stabbed in his (how do I say it?) nether regions, then we cut to Logan lying on top of Wade as the Merc fires several bullets into Logan’s hip. We then see Wade and Logan in what seems to be some sort of diner as Deadpool asks if Wolverine can talk about what is haunting him or will it be a third act flashback. We can assume that there will be such a flashback in this movie with this foreshadowing. Once again Deadpool is the meta commentary on superhero movies.

Cassandra Nova Revealed

Image of Cassandra Nova
Image via Marvel Studios

Now we are getting really deep into the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer as we see a shot of Wade and Logan appear from around a street corner with several shops around them as they take place centre stage. Logan’s suit seems to have changed as the shoulder pads and arms have been ripped off, giving Jackman the classic sleeveless suit from the comics.

Deadpool tells Wolverine that he knows nothing about saving worlds but tells Logan that he does know as he is a hero. We see Wade pleading with Logan in a car which may be part of a road trip sequence in the movie. The Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer then cuts back to the street mentioned earlier and a cool detail we see here is a shop called ‘Liefeld’s Just Feet’. Now Rob Liefeld is the creator of the Deadpool character who was notorious for being unable to draw feet in comics. Wade used this joke in Deadpool 2 and seems to be continuing it here.

We then see a shot of Logan saying “trust me kid, I’m no hero”. Now it can be assumed that he is talking to Wade here but some people believe that he may actually be talking to Laura aka X-23 from 2017’s Logan with Dafne Keen set to play an older version of the character we saw in that movie. We could be seeing a shot where Laura explains to Logan that in her world he died a hero but he may try and explain back that he is not the same person she knew, creating a very emotional scene.

We hear Wade continue to plead with Wolverine stating that he was “an X-Man” then corrects himself by stating that Logan was actually “The X-Man” pushing Logan to believe that he is a hero at heart. This is also kind of a reference to how Wolverine was at the forefront of the Fox X-Men movies and essentially played the main character.

As the music builds in the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer we see Deadpool joking about being soaking wet and Wolverine’s claws retract out of their knuckle sheaths. We then cut to Wade attacking the TVA Agents in the forested area we saw in the teaser trailer before cutting to Emma Corrin’s character, Cassandra Nova. Nova is the twin sister to Charles Xavier and will likely be the Multiversal threat of the movie.

She is seen here exiting the Ant Man skull that we get a better shot later. Behind her is actually a wheelchair, so the movie could show us Nova approach the entrance to her base in the wheelchair then pull a fake out by showing her stand up. We see another shot of Logan and Wade fighting, both using Adamantium to face each other. A few more quick shots, one of Wade fighting Minute Men, another with Wade suiting up, another with Wolverine charging through the car we saw earlier, another with Wade flying through the sunroof of said car and then a shot of Cassandra Nova talking with her British accent as she says “boys are so silly”.

This could be a version of Cassandra Nova that killed her Charles and X-Men but was then thrown into the Void as this character is supposedly going to be come a huge Multiverse threat in this movie as the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer suggests. The next shot we see is of Alioth, the big cloud monster from the Loki series that can prune anything within the Void. If you look closely you can actually see it approaching the Ant Man corpse that Nova uses as a base with her raiders.

Speaking of which, the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer then cuts to this very corpse with the Ant Man helmet opening up to reveal the skull of Scott Lang. Now if this is the Void, then why is Scott’s Corpse here. Well this may be from a reality where Scott didn’t help the Avengers with the time heist in Avengers: Endgame so he was pruned and killed in the Void. The Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer does not give any indication on the reasons for Scott’s pruning.

Also in this beautiful shot of the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer we can see a few familiar faces. We see Azazel, returning from X-Men: First Class, father of Nightcrawler. We see Lady Deathstrike from X2 and we also see a new character called the Russian who wears a stripy red and white shirt. The Russian is a Marvel comics character who is usually a Spider-Man or Punisher villain so it is strange to see the character make is MCU debut in a mutant project that involves the Multiverse.

Also in this shot we see the car that Red Skull drove in Captain America: The First Avenger, as well as a version of the Fantasticar in the left side of frame here.

Let’s F***ing Go!

Image of Wolverine hyping up for a fight
Image via Marvel Studios

Chris Evans is rumoured to be playing a variant of the Human Torch so this Fantasticar could have some relation to him. The Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer is clearly showing us that this film is not just about the X-Men but all the properties that were once owned by Fox. We see a few quick shots, nothing really of any importance or interest until we see Wade and Logan by the Liefeld shop with Wade holding Dogpool, a variant of Wade who is a dog. Not much more to say there.

We have had rumours and leaked promo art showing Kidpool, Babypool, Headpool and Dogpool playing a role in this movie as well as rumours of Wolverinepool and Lady Deadpool making an appearance but as antagonists rather than on Wade’s side. It has even been said that Headpool is the Weapon 11 Variant of Wade we saw in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but nothing has been confirmed yet and we don’t see any other Variants of Wade in the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer.

We then cut to a Mad Max inspired shot with one of Nova’s raiders riding a platform being pulled by three motorcycles. This platform seems to have the device that we saw in the first teaser trailer. We cut to Logan attempting to attack Nova but she puppeteers him with ease using her mind abilities. Apparently Cassandra will have all of the powers of Professor X but will also have Magneto’s helmet and a sling ring. The background of the shot looks as though she is creating a Cerebro like device but the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer doesn’t give much of a clear view of this.

After a few more shots of Wade and Logan fighting Cassandra’s raiders, we see Wade in an underground looking area, just like the teaser trailer it is hard to tell where this is but we do see a skull bed from Thor: Ragnarok in the background that Hulk slept in in that movie. It could be that Wolverine or Cassandra killed a Hulk and took his bed…who knows?

One of the last scenes of the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer shows Wade and Logan separately saying “Let’s F***ing Go”, such an epic moment and is one of those trailer moments you can tell will be epic in the full movie. The very last shot is of Logan and Wade jumping towards a Doctor Strange portal out of the eye socket of the Ant Man skull, However, to the left of the frame you can see Cassandra stand there smiling.

I believe that Cassandra created this portal for them to escape as we do see Alioth also in the background approaching. The reveal of the film that the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer may be showing us is that Cassandra is bad in her universe but now she just wants to survive. The TVA could be the main threat to the Multiverse and the fact that Wade and Logan are trapped in the Void could be evidence of this.

The Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer ends with Blind Al and Wade talking about doing Cocaine with Wade stating that Feige said that is the only thing off limits as the two name a few slang terms that Marvel have a list of including Bolivian Marching Powder, Snowboarding, Disco Dust, White Girl Interrupted, Forrest Bump and Do You Want To Build A Snowman.

Of course Feige is the head of Marvel Studios and after Disney’s acquisition of Fox, it is clear from the teaser trailer and the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer that many meta jokes will be made about Feige and Disney throughout the movie. That is the end of the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer and what an incredible experience it was to watch this trailer and break it down.

With many fans losing hope in Marvel Studios and many believing that the MCU’s true ending was Avengers: Endgame, I can safely say that the Deadpool & Wolverine Official Trailer has given many the hope that the MCU is on the up and Deadpool & Wolverine is going to be an incredible move.

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